• Eventpasshero

    How it Works

    It is very easy to get started on Eventpasshero. Below is our 4 step onboarding plan to take you from zero to... EventPass-HERO!

Event ticketing in 4 easy steps


Sign up for a free account

Signing up for an account with Eventpasshero is fast, free, and easy! Simply provide your contact information and event details, and you'll be on your way to creating successful events in no time. No contracts or applications are required - just follow the simple Stripe onboarding steps and you'll be able to start selling tickets for paid events right away.

Register an Account

Set up your event page & launch ticket sales

Easily build a professional looking event page in minutes with our customizable templates. Then set your own price levels, create a custom seating chart (if needed), review your payment options, and you’re ready to start selling tickets!

Create Event

Promote your event

With integrated marketing tools like email blasts, social sharing, and tracking codes, our system makes it easy for any event organizer to maximize their ticket sales. Plus, our intuitive analytics and reporting capabilities enable you to better monitor sales and analyze your results.

Purchase SuperHero DRIP Campaign

Welcome your attendees

When the event day arrives, our system streamlines the check-in process for both live and virtual events. Use our mobile app to scan guests onsite, sell tickets at the door with your mobile device, or use our online event features to gate live stream access to registered attendees only!

Download App